Buddha and Mahavira

Buddha and Mahavira




 Buddha and Mahavira

5 In Search of Peace: Buddha and Mahavira   In the sixth century BC, important works were done in the field of social and religious reform in India.  Is.  Some great reformers worked against the evils, social inequality, and immorality that entered the social and religious spheres in the sixth century BC.  Gautam Buddha and Mahavira Swami are the main ones.  We will try to understand the life of Gautam Buddha and Mahavira Swami, their sadhana and the humanism they established.  Gautama Buddha: Early life To learn about Gautama Buddha and Buddhism, we find a lot of information from Jatakakathas and Buddhist texts Tripitaka (Sur Pittak, Vinaya Pittak and Abhidhamma Pittak).  About 550 birth stories are associated with the ancestors of the Buddha.  There was a state called Kapilvastu in the foothills of Nepal towards the Himalayan region in India.  The Kshatriyas of Kapilavastu are called Shakya.  It was a republic.  The head of this republic was Shuddhodhan.  Mahadevi, the wife of Shuddhodhan.  Gautama Buddha was born in  Born in 566 BC at the home of Shuddhodhan and Mayadevi.  His childhood name was Siddharth.  His mother Mayadevi died a few days after his birth.  So he was brought up by Gautami Mahaprajapati who was his foster mother.  From an early age, 

Buddha and Mahavira

Siddharth was involved in education and knowledge.  Next to Kapilvastu was the ashram of a saint named Alarkalam.  Aadhaar Kalam was his guru.  Siddharth going to his ashram.  Here they were meditating.  His father became anxious as Siddhartha continued to discuss Gyan and Samadhi.  He thought that Siddharth would not become a hermit, would he?  The marriage was solemnized in Siddharth's youth.  His wife's name was Yashodhara.  He also had a son named Rahul.  Homelessness and Sadhana: At the age of about 30, he decided to leave his royal family and kingdom and become a hermit in search of enlightenment and truth.  One night Channu and his favorite horse Kanthak went to the river bank outside the state.  Giving up his royal attire, he gave Channa all his ornaments, ordered Kanth Kane to go to the palace and himself, dressed as a hermit's god, walked towards the forest.  After leaving home, they went to Rajgriha and then to a place called Puruvela.  Here he started penance with five Brahmins.  He felt that by giving up food and water and giving pain to the body, knowledge would not be obtained.  It is the great duty of man to conquer the path of spirituality and his own desires.  He decided to leave the company of five Brahmins and do penance alone.  Sitting under a banyan tree at Bodhigaya, he began the sadhana for truth and enlightenment.  After many days of sadhana, on the day of Vaishakhi Purnima, he attained enlightenment.  He attained enlightenment and became a Buddha from Siddhartha.  ‘Buddha’ means awake or wise.  Later he was called Gautam Buddha.  51 Gautama Buddha

Buddha and Mahavira

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